Senin, 05 Desember 2011


Finally I got my copy! Rene Suhardono latest book : “Your Journey to be the Ultimate U”. I was so happy. Special edition of #UltimateU book signed by @ReneCC. So excited to read it.
I believe it’s gonna be a life changing book.

Gw seneng banget pas tau rene buat buku baru lagi, jadi gw buru-buru ngacir ke gramedia to get my copy. Tapi pas gw muter-muter di rak buku nyari buku baru-nya kok ga ada. Trus gw nanya mas-mas karyawa di grame dia juga ga nemu. Jadilah gw muter-muter setengah jam sampai akhirnya gw nanya ke customer service. Jadi ternyata bukunya itu masih pre-launch. Launching bukunya baru tanggal 13 Desember mendatang. Jd yg mau dapetin buku itu duluan harus inden, atau paling ga ngotot kayak gw sampe nyari banget dan akhirnya dapet juga melalui customer service-nya :D

Rene’s book is one of many books that change my mind set and perspective. Am a fan! Hehe. Buku pertama-nya, “Your Job is not Your Career” menyadarkan gw akan passion gw yang sebenarnya. What I wanna do, what my strength is, what I enjoy the most. I learn to embrace my life, expand my capacity and enlarge my territory. I learn a lot.

Gw ga akan cerita lebih panjang lagi, I want to read the book asap and I want you to get your copy too. Believe me, your life will be change after you read the book.

Go get yours :D